It is our pleasure to announce the “Joint Meeting of Istanbul Spine Masters & ISMISS Turkey 2019” which will be held at the Koç University Hospital in Istanbul between May 2-5, 2019.
Like the previous three years, this year the 12th ISMISS Turkey and 5th Istanbul Spine Masters meetings will be organized jointly. By combing the two meetings, the organizing societies, the Middle East Spine Society and the ISMISS Turkey Chapter (The International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery) aim to reach a greater audience, thus contribute to the spine education in our area more effectively. In addition to “Middle East Spine Society” and “ISMISS Turkey”, another society, the “Craniovertebral Junction and Spine Society” will organize a one day meeting combined to other scientific sections.
Traditionally, while ISMISS meetings include lectures and videos of the latest minimal invasive techniques and spinal endoscopy; the Istanbul Spine Masters meetings cover whole spectrum of spine surgery in an “advanced course” format and more interactive/didactic way. Thus, attendees have an opportunity to gain benefits of two different types of meeting by registering only one.
This year, the joint meeting has two themes, both extremely relevant to daily practice: “Craniovertebral Junction” and “Spinal Stability. The meeting program is just “intense”, and full of excellent lectures from prominent experts, results of implementation of new procedures, case discussions, debate sessions, live surgery, video demonstrations, and workshops from industry.
Disregarding their level of experience, we assure you the audience will have opportunity to learn from the experts of the area, exchange their ideas, network, and hopefully obtain a higher level of competence when they back to home.
We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul in May 2-5, 2019.